miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Today I'm not sure about postgraduate studies, because I feel that is far way. I feel that is a thought for the future. Now I'm just in my 3° year and my concern is to learn and continue my education and get graduate, but I don't know what i will do after that.

I understand postgraduate studies are very important to get a good job and be better in the area you prefer.

In architecture I have two possibilities in my mind about a postgraduate study, I like construction and is interesting to learn about how are the buildings in other countries with another geographic situation.

My other option is technology and sustainability because ecology is important in our lives, care the earth and get better the lives of people in balance with our land.

I think in a few years when I finish my studies at the university, I could go to another country where they talk in English, to practice in the real world and learn more about it, because is interesting and necessary know how to speak another language, and is a good way to meet the culture of another country.

If I take and postgraduate study abroad, I would take an part-time course because I will have to work in the other time I would work.

1 comentario:

  1. I also think that to have a postgraduate studies we first must finish the career, and that takes a lot of time
