miércoles, 2 de enero de 2019


Hello, today I did a quiz about get green, I get 70% in the test,
the test was about different ways about ecology and global warming.

The first question was: Which uses less water, washing a full load of dishes by hand or in the dishwasher? I thought it was by dishwasher and it was right, you use less water by dishwasher.

The question about the appliances that are turned off don't use any electricity, I knew that was false because the appliance use a little of electricity if is turned off. It calls Standby power.

But in the questions about percentages, I did,t know about it, because in a specific information.

Now I know than only 10 percent of global energy comes from renewables,the remaining 90 percent comes from non renewable sources.

Questions about how much money do you save by replacing a single incandescent light bulb with a CFL.

I didn't knew that but I use the random, the correct answer was $30 and CFL use 2/3 less energy than standard incandescent bulbs.

I think this topic is very important in our lives because is our responsibility to care the earth, because we live here and we must take care the resources.

We must learn about global warming and use it in our lives to get a better world.

miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2018

Video 3

I'm sorry but my video is bigger than 100mb. I had problemns to upload it. 

my opinion

Hi everybody, today I will talk about 3 important things in our time.

I chose the following topics:

buying instead of adopting pets
womens in the military

About recycling I think it is an important responsibility for humanity, the industries did many things with plastic, glass and other materials that the earth can’t eliminate, those materials are very dangerous for the earth.

It is important for us to change the thinking about rubbish in the world, the production of dangerous materials and our influence on the care of the earth.
I usually recycle products in my house, objects like bottles, cans of drink or paper, I also recycle resources like water.

About immigration I think that immigration is part of history, in the past there were immigrants from many other nations and Chilean people emigrated from Chile and were received by other countries.

Immigration is good for the culture of the countries since we can learn a lot from the other cultures and they from us.

On the topic of buying instead of adopting pets, I think there are many animals that would love to have a home with humans that love them very much and take care of them, they can give us a lot of love.

The sale of pets seems to me a bad practice of human.

I don’t understand the intention of the question about women in the military, it seems ridiculous to question if a woman can do something like a man, it is like ask if a woman can learn to read or work outside the home.

my last post

Today i will write my last post in English 4.

This semester in English 4 was a great experience, this subject in the school is very fun if you are with friends, because you can talk with them without shame. This semester was different because i was alone. this semester was like the real wold and i had to talk with unknown people, whatever, it was a nice experience.

In English 3 and 4 I had to write blogs, it is fun and a new experience for me, sometimes I didn't know what else I could write but ussualy I can write the words easily about the topic of the week,
this is a work with your classmates, because in English 3 my classmates didn't write their blogs, then I couldn't write comments in their post, this semester I didn't had that problem.

I am nervous when I have to talk in english because I forgot a lot of words in 2 years without speak english, sometimes I don't know the right word and I have to describe what I want to say.
I have to learn more vocabulary in movies, books and music.

Outside the english class I listen music in english and watch movies in the original language, sometimes I talk in english with my fiends, because they are in english 4 too, we have to practice to the final test.

Usually I look for information in google in english, because in english there are more information than spanish, then I try to understan that information in english.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2018


Hi today i will talk about the changes to my study programme.

In architecture, you have a lot of thing to do every day and that makes you work under pressure,
the teachers don't have communicate among them, then they makes you use a lot of time in each work to each subject. It is common for students to sleep 3 hours or less per day, that is an unhealthy practice, during the day you can see a lot of students sleeping in FAU.

The career has different areas and you have to study each one to understand what do you want to do in the future, but some thing are useless and you spend time doing things that you will never use

The infrastructure of FAU is terrible, the bath doors don't close, you don't have chairs in the classrooms to each student, in the cafeteria you can see pigeons inside eating the food of lunch, last week in the roof of C block there was a dead pigeon, that was there 3 or 4 weeks. they took it out when RIBA came to FAU, I believe that if RIBA didn't come to Fau, they wouldn't taken out the dead pigeon.

In G block you have a lot of pc to work in your project, that is an important thing to work to workshop or an other subject.

Plotter is a difficult step to make your work, that always is full and you have to wait 30 minutes or more.

I don' like the workshop method about makes you fail and then helps you, you lost a lot of time doing some thing but the teachers know that is incorrect, but they never tell you, that is a cruel thing i would change if i could.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

my year

This year has been a very good year for me.

at the university has been a good year, I've met new people, learned a lot of things about architecture. i've made good architectural projects, i learned to use a lot of different materials, like rubbers, acrylic, plastic bags, bottles and use rubbish to do sustainable architecture and to take care of world. I've also traveled to different new places.

I made new close friends at my uncles's house, they are a lot of fun, we  meet on weekends to do different things.

But this year some ssituations did not go so well like my 15 years old dog almost died, i've live with it since 2003, when i was 6.

I have an achievement in a yoga position, when i had yoga in Fau there are some positions i never could do, like stand on my head, but this year i practice a lot, now i can do it.

About things i have've not do yet, i want to approve all my subjects in the university, but we will finish this semester on January, I don't like that,Fau is so hot in summer, that is horrible.

I want to highlight my new friends in Fau and outside the university, they are something important about this year.

This year is not over yet, I hope that what remains will be very pleasant for me.

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Postgraduate Studies

Today I'm not sure about postgraduate studies, because I feel that is far way. I feel that is a thought for the future. Now I'm just in my 3° year and my concern is to learn and continue my education and get graduate, but I don't know what i will do after that.

I understand postgraduate studies are very important to get a good job and be better in the area you prefer.

In architecture I have two possibilities in my mind about a postgraduate study, I like construction and is interesting to learn about how are the buildings in other countries with another geographic situation.

My other option is technology and sustainability because ecology is important in our lives, care the earth and get better the lives of people in balance with our land.

I think in a few years when I finish my studies at the university, I could go to another country where they talk in English, to practice in the real world and learn more about it, because is interesting and necessary know how to speak another language, and is a good way to meet the culture of another country.

If I take and postgraduate study abroad, I would take an part-time course because I will have to work in the other time I would work.

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2018


Today I will write about the future, specifically my future job.

I am studying architecture, but I don't like to design buildings, I would like to be when they are constructing the building, I like when is just a hole in the land and they start to construct, I like when one day doesn't exist a wall and next day it is there.

That is an outdoor job, because in the beginning there is nothing there, but every day it is in change, and in the end you are working inside a build.

I would like to travel in my job, but I meet people that travel every week and back hoke during 3 days and repeat, I don't like that thing, because I think it is exhausting, I don't wan to travel to my job every week.

I don't think about the salary now, I don't know what expect about it, now sometimes people ask me about what is the cost of make a model or design little thing and I don't know what to do.

I like the major of construction and structure, but I like technology and new ways of construction to, next wear I would like to specialize me in those areas and in the future get a job about it. I like understand about how is the build working, how a build stays right before an earthquake, that is an important thing in Chile.

7 principles for building better cities

in the speech of urbanism, Peter Calthorpe says the problem in the world are humanity, how people live their lives.

He talks about some examples in diferent countries about what are they doing to fix their problems in the area of ecology and earth care.
Finally he talks about seven principles used in China for building better cities these are :

Mix, he said the city must be mixed in the used and occupation of the public areas, the people in city must to be mixed to in ages, interest, hobbies, etc.

bike, because he said the bike is the best way to move in the city, because is a clean and in China people use their bikes a lot, now and in their history.

Ride, Peter Calthorpe think the autonomous vehicle is not the answer and that kind of car will be the cause of an increase in traffic, it means a bigger problem in streets

Preserve the history and agriculture of the country.

Walk, because people enjoy to walk, people go to a park and walk there, in their vacations, people go everywere by foot, but in cities, people don't walk, in cities, people drive a car to go somewhere.

conect,the idea is to make a different kind of streets instead one big street.

and finally he talk about focus, he said the highway makes the limit of a city and it must change.